Our Values


We genuinely believe the Gospel, that God loves us so much that he sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we may have everlasting life (John 3:16). It’s 100% truth and it’s our everything. Because of that love, in every part of our lives we emulate and express that real love to the rest of the world. 


We believe God’s word, the Bible, is absolute truth and we are commanded to obey God’s word, by loving Him with all our might, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5).


We are told to do “nothing” from a selfish heart, but from a humble heart putting others first (Philippians 2:3). We will continually surrender our lives in seeking to serve God, and love on our neighbors.


God has created the family structure and calls us to lead, worship, and love our families (Ephesians 5-6). In many ways, the church has the same make-up, so we aim to keep the family structure intact through our leadership, worshipping together, and as part of all the ministries within the church.


God commands his people to make disciples (Matthew 28:20) that know Him and His mission. We strive to preach, teach, and equip Christians, to grow in their faith, share the goods news of Jesus to nonbelievers, and empower them to mentor/train others to know God and His mission.


We are called to “Go” and make disciples (Matthew 28:20), “Be witnesses” locally, nationally, and internationally (Acts 1:8), “take care of “the widows/orphans (James 1:27), “serve the people” (Acts 6:1-3). Everywhere we read in the Bible, God is calling his people to action. We will strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, with bringing hope and eternal restoration in Jesus.